Do the tours to Canada include any Casinos? When I was a strong dub, I did the tour thing. Even then I was unimpressed. Heaven forbid you use your free time to do something outside of the Botchtower.
nobody told me
JoinedPosts by nobody told me
Fabulous vacation spot
by blacksheep in
(for some reason, i'm not able to get a good link)
check out the "bethel classic with dc & holocaust" - sounds like a truly upbuilding trip:
nobody told me
I will never enter a kingdom hall again because of the Watchtowers imvolement with the U.N. and its poor handling of sexual abuse cases. Yet this organization talks about stumbling others? Why? because a movie they watch? Because they eat turkey on a certain day? Because they own a store that sells lottery tickets? Talk about an organization that has its head up its ass!!!
Jehovah's Witnesses are lovely and cuddly kitten soft special people.
by ScoobySnax in.
isn't that what you expected?.
scooby- "emotional meanderer"- snax (i never disappoint....and aim to please)
nobody told me
A few people may be, but after 20 years of being around these people I'd say most of them are are self-centered, self righteous, and lack love.
Newspaper Article on Conversion from the JWs
by jschwehm inhi gang:.
this article was published in the local sheboygan press newspaper this morning on my conversion from the jws to the catholic church.. here is the link:.
nobody told me
Do you think this article will appear in the next watchtower? It is a nice experience.
Throwing mags away in public places
by gwyneth ini did a search and couldn't find another post on this subject, so i hope this hasn't been addressed too recently already.... i systematically throw away wtbts literature that i find in public places (restrooms, and most recently, eight, count 'em, eight mags at the train station that had about 20 chairs in it (four sets of the same magazines--someone had a good month!
) i rolled them up and deposited them into the trash, my father was shocked and said that people should be given the chance to read them.
i said i was saving people from exposure from a cult.
nobody told me
If you found a #### mag in a public place are you wrong to throw it out? Very few people would call that censorship. If someone puts a Watchtower in a public place, then its up for grabs. If I pick it up, look at it and throw it out so be it. Very few people will call that censorship. Plus, have you ever heard of someone becoming a Jw because of what they read in the laundrymat? They are put there to make a service report look better than it really is.
A witness should NOT ALLOW their cat to eat a bird!
by gumby inwitnesses believe it would be a transgression against jehovah's sanctity of blood to give your pet a blood transfusion....even though it's an animal, blood is to be poured out on the ground and not used in any manner.
one time, a notable brother who left the borg and was visiting with some friends to encourage them out of the cult, saw the wifes cat eating a bird out the window.
he said "maggie!
nobody told me
Two articles are very hepful on the subject.
Young Kitties ask---Do I have to bleed all my kills?
Young Kitties ask---Do I really have to come home when I'm called?
Make up your own Young People Ask titles
by doodle-v input yourself back in a dub's kids shoes and make up your own young people ask titles.. here's mine:.
young people ask:.
why do i have to go to these lousy meetings five times a week?.
nobody told me
Is it o.k. if I eat deviled ham?
Is it o.k. to eat beaver?
Should I confess my dreams to elders? Can I be d'fd
Most hated WT publication
by Nosferatu inwhat is the wt publication you hated the most?
why did you hate it?
for me, it was probably that damn pink great teacher book.
nobody told me
The Big Green book--released 1994,5? that traces the hIstory of the watchtower. Boring and full of crappola. Forgot the name.
Come on, who really TALKS like this? "Your people are so joyful!" etc...
by somebodylovesme ini recently snuck a read of the km newsletter, which talked about assembly preparation.
aside from how ridiculous it is that they have to tell people not to push and shove (duhhh), i thought the quotes seemed a little, well, hokey.
i don't have it with me, so i can't quote it, but it was what i can guess is a commonly cited compliment: that the hotel manager/police/venue host said they are "thrilled to have jehovah's people" with them because "your people are so joyful" and so on.
nobody told me
"Joyful" that another boring 3 day convention is over and we now have a 3 hr ride home.
St. Louis: Blood transfusions would have saved woman's life, doctor says
by jwsons innews on april 22nd 2004:.
haematologist says: blood transfusions would have saved woman's life".
nobody told me
If this guy had a history of making mistakes it was up to the family to do the research on this doctor, since they were going to demand perfection. Did the other patients die when mistakes were made? or were they given blood? Suspensions etc.. are public records. If your going to tie a doctor hands don't bitch about the outcome.